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YVC Your Village Called!

Village Public Safety Officer Samuel L Flyinghorse. Feb 2001--Oct 2003

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DARE Officer Training class in PA Dec 2002
2 weeks away from AK. These LEO's are friends.

Heaven on Earth!! The actual candy factory.
This is where my M&M's and Kisses are made. Wow.

DAREN the class mascot.
Our class Teams competed daily to take care of him.

VPSO S.L.Flyinghorse
Impromptu speeches?? I forgot what I'm doing here.

We "lost" DAREN the first day we got him.
But eventually he made it back to our group.

Hello. My name is Samuel.
I took tons of pics I guess it was only fair to have 1 of me.

Right Profile.
I'm a closet Shutterbug. Taking pictures is fun.

TCC Inc and AK DARE sent me to Pennsylvania for 2 weeks DARE Officer Training.
I had a great time and met some great people. I never thought that Big City LEO's could be so nice.
And a few of those hardened LEO's were surprised that I worked alone, hours from backup, in my village.
If you're close to Ft. Indiantown Gap, eat at "the Farmer's Wife" restaurant.
Just don't carry a stuffed animal into the Pizza joint across the street!!!  They'll think you're related to Me!

I always watch a few police websites and keep track of some events. I mourn when ever there is an "Officer Down" anywhere in the world.
Even those Iraqi Police officers are admired by me. I can't help but respect anyone that willingly stands for good ideals and is willing to give their lives for the cause of freedom and democracy.
I'm glad that I got to experience this PA visit and this DARE officer training. I met some fine officers and got to know a few of them well.
I hope that none of my DARE buddies ever go Down in the Line of Duty. May they get papercuts and fight boredom!
And as for me, my time Out of uniform at least has me not being such an obvious target for anyone's wrath.
Yet, when needed I will respond.
Besides. If I can't ever find work here in AK, I can always move back to PA and guard the chocolate factory. Just pay me in Peanut Butter cups and M&M's!!!
oh.. and please let me lick the empty chocolate bowls after you're done!!!??

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